Friday 11 October 2013

How much MAKATON do you remember?

Makaton has certainly grown in terms of its use across the different areas of education; first created by the Speech and Language Therapist, Margaret Walker and (her two colleagues) Katherine and Tony. Can you see where the names of the three were used to make MA-KA-TON? As part of some early educational training I was introduced to Makaton - I began to learn some basic symbols; a few of the 450 that exist - It felt, strangely empowering to begin to learn such a form of communication that could support so many with learning or communication difficuties. The absurd thing is, today, I don't know if I can remember 10 of the symbols! It would be of collosal benefit if schools could send all their staff on courses to learn Makaton, and secondly send them on regular refresher courses. I have witnessed myself, that even children with attention deficit have been focused by the partial or complete use of signing. Makaton is, as was intended, to be used with other forms of communication eg. oral speech. - Perhaps, the quantity of talking we currently do in teaching is excessive. With that said we are, perhaps, over stimulating pupils, just as an over decorated classroom (one that is loaded with large and colourful wall displays and notices) can prevent a pupil from focusing on the task at hand or what is being communicated. - Ever thought of learning Makaton? - Already know it, but feeling a little rusty? INTERESTING IN MAKATON TRAINING:

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