Friday 4 October 2013

DBS (Alias CRB)!

On re-registering with a few employment agencies, I discovered that there is a new name and system for the old CRB. Apparently, there is an initial layout cost of around £30 something. you then pay,I believe, a further £13 yearly,as needed. The most obvious benefit is that several agencies can access the data base now holding your DBS details. This should prevent having to pay for additional DBS docs for each agency, as was the case. As you may have experienced yourself, agencies often will not use a CRB/DBS from another agency more than once. This is the case even if the CRB/DBS is still valid. Many agencies will offer to re-imburse you for the cost of the doc once you have worked a certain amount of days with them. My concern is, however, how secure this database is/will be in the future. Yet again, another online system we are expected to use/be part of without any real choice. Am I being simple an old fuddy-duddy not wanting to move with the times or are my concerns warranted? Hackers are always busy hacking or finding new hacking tricks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Teacher's Pet! Thank you for highlighting this new change of the CRB to DBS. No you are absolutely not being a fuddy-duddy. There really seems to be so many online databases out there and who knows how secure they are. It seems that every day something pops up in the news proving how the opposite. I hope us teachers will truly benefit from this new system. It would be great to be re-imbursed but how likely is that when, well, at least my agency is hardly dishing out much work these days... hmmm.

    Please keep up the interesting posts! :)
